![]() |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | ||
AA | African American; Alcoholics Anonymous | |
AAA | Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm | |
ab, abd | abdominal | |
AB | abortion; antibody | |
ABG | arterial blood gas | |
ABP | arterial blood pressure | |
ABx | antibiotics | |
ac | ante cibium (before meals) | |
ACE-I | angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor | |
ACU | ambulatory care unit | |
ADA | American Diabetes Association | |
ADL | activity of daily living | |
Adm | admission | |
AE | air entry | |
AF | atrial fibrillation | |
AGN | acute glomerulonephritis; antigen | |
AI | aortic insufficieny | |
AICA | anterior inferior cerebellar artery | |
AKA | above-knee amputation | |
alb | albumin | |
Alc | alcohol | |
ALL | acute lymphocytic leukaemia | |
AMA | against medical advice | |
amb | ambulate | |
AMI | acute myocardial infarction | |
AML | acute myelocytic leukaemia | |
Amp | ampule | |
AND | axillary node dissection | |
Angio | angiography | |
AODM | adult onset diabetes mellitus | |
A & O | alert and orientated | |
A & P | assessment and plans; auscultation and percussion | |
APPY | appendectomy | |
ARB | angiotensin II receptor blocker | |
ARF | acute renal failure | |
AS | aortic (valvular) stenosis; (auris sinistra) left ear | |
ASA | (acetylsalicylic acid) aspirin | |
ASAP | as soon as possible | |
ASCVD | arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease | |
ASD | atrial septal defect | |
ATN | acute tubular necrosis | |
ATU | ambulatory treatment unit | |
AVJ | atrio-ventricular junction | |
AVR | aortic valvular replacement | ![]() |
bd | (bis in die) twice a day | |
BE | barium enema | |
BIBA | brought in by ambulance | |
BKA | below-knee amputation | |
BLD | blood | |
BM | bowel movement; bone marrow | |
BP | blood pressure | |
BPH | benign prostatic hypertrophy | |
BR | bed rest | |
brady | bradycardia | |
BRBPR | bright red blood per rectum | |
BS | bowel sounds; breath sounds; blood sugar | |
BUN | blood urea nitrogen | |
BW | blood work | |
Bx | biopsy | ![]() |
Ca | carcinoma | |
CABG | coronary artery bypass graft | |
CAD | coronary artery disease | |
Caps | capsule | |
CAT | computerized axial tomography | |
Cath | catheter | |
CBC | complete blood count | |
CC | chief complaint | |
C/C/E | clubbing, cynosis, edema | |
CDB | cough, deep breath | |
CF | cystic fibrosis | |
CGN | chronic glomerulonephritis | |
CHD | congenital heart disease | |
CHF | congestive heart failure | |
C(P)K-MB | creatinine (phosphor)kinase heart | |
CP | chest pain | |
CMV | cytomegalovirus | |
CN | cranial nerve(s) | |
CNS | central nervous system | |
CO | cardiac output | |
COAD | chronic obstructive airways disease | |
coags | coagulation | |
COPD | chronic obstructive pulmonary disease | |
CPR | cardiopulmonary resuscitation | |
CPT | chest physiotherapy | |
Cr | creatinine | |
CRF | chronic renal failure | |
CS | caesarean section | |
CSF | cerebrospinal fluid | |
C.T. | chest tube | |
CVA | cerebrovascular accident | |
CVP | central venous pressure | |
CVS | cardiovascular system | |
CX | cervix | |
CXR | chest x-ray | ![]() |
D (Brit.) | dioptre | |
d | days | |
D/C | discontinue; discharge | |
DD | differential diagnosis | |
decr | decreasing | |
DIC | disseminated intravascular coagulation | |
diff | differential count | |
Disch | discharge | |
disp | disposition | |
DJD | degenerative joint disease | |
DKA | diabetic ketoacidosis | |
DLE | disseminated lupus erythematosus | |
DM | diabetes mellitus | |
DNR | do not resuscitate | |
DOA | dead on arrival | |
DOB | date of birth | |
DOE | dyspnea on exertion | |
DPT | diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus (triple vaccine) | |
DR | delivery room | |
Ds | disease | |
Dsg | dressing | |
DT | delirium tremens | |
DTRs | deep tendon reflexes | |
DTV | due to void | |
DU | duodenal ulcer | |
DVT | deep vein thrombosis | |
Dx | diagnosis | ![]() |
ECF | extracellular fluid | |
ECT | electroconvulsive therapy | |
EDC | estimated date of confinement | |
EF | ejection fraction | |
EGD | eosophagogastro-duodenoscopy | |
EJ | elbow jerk | |
EKG, ECG | electrocardiogram | |
Eli | elimination | |
ENT | ear, nose, and throat department | |
ER | emergency room | |
ERCP | endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography | |
ESR | erythrocyte sedimentation rate | |
ESRD | end-stage renal disease | |
ESRF | end stage renal failure | |
EtOH | alcohol | |
ETT | endotracheal tube | |
Exam | examination | |
Ext | extremities | ![]() |
F à N | finger-to-nose-test | |
F/C | fever and chills | |
F/U | follow-up | |
FB | foreign body | |
FBC | full blood count | |
FDP | fibrin degradation products | |
FEV1 | forced expiratory volume in 1s | |
FFA | free fatty acids | |
FFP | fresh frozen plasma | |
FHx | family history | |
FISH | fluorescent in situ hybridization | |
fl. oz. | fluid ounce (ca. 28 ml) | |
FMF | fetal movements felt | |
FMP | first menstrual period | |
FOB | faecal occult blood | |
Fx | fracture | |
GA | general anesthesia | |
GB | gall bladder | |
GFR | glomerular filtration rate | |
GI(T) | gastrointestinal tract | |
Glc | glucose | |
GN | glomerulonephritis | |
GP | general practitioner | |
GS | group + screen | |
GTT | glucose tolerance test | |
GU | gastric ulcer; genitourinary | |
Gyn | gynecology | ![]() |
H à S | heel-to-shin test | |
H & P | history and physical examination | |
h | hour | |
HA | headache | |
HAL | hyperalimentation | |
HBP | high blood pressure | |
Hct | hematocrit | |
HCTZ | hydrochlorothiazide | |
HCVD | hypertensive cardiovascular disease | |
hd | (hora decubitus) at bed time | |
HEENT | head, ears, eyes, nose, and throat (were normal) | |
Heme (n) | hematest negative (…stools) | |
HH | hiatal hernia | |
HNV | has not voided | |
HPI | history of present illness | |
ht | height | |
HTN | hypertension | |
Hx | history | ![]() |
I & O | intake and output | |
ICF | intracellular fluid | |
ICP | intracranial pressure | |
ICS | intercostal space | |
ICU | intensive care unit | |
ID | infectious disease | |
IDA | iron deficiency anemia | |
IDDM | insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus | |
Inj | injury | |
INR | international normalized ratio (prothrombin time expressed in relation to normal value) | |
int | internal | |
IOP | intraocular pressure | |
IUD | intrauterine device; intrauterine death | |
IUP | intrauterine pregnancy | |
iv | intravenous | |
IVC | inferior vena cava | |
IVF | intravenous fluid | |
JACCOL | jaundice, anemia, cynosis, clubbing, oedema, lymphadenopathy | |
JODM | juvenile onset diabetes | |
JP | jugular pulse | |
JVD | jugular venous distension | |
JVP | jugular venous pressure | |
K+ | potassium | |
KCL | potassium chloride | |
KUB | kidney, ureter, bladder | ![]() |
L1 | first lumbar vertebra | |
LA | lymphadenopathy; left atrium | |
Lab | laboratory | |
LAD | left axis deviation; left anterior descending | |
LAE | left atrial enlargement | |
LAH | left anterior hemiblock | |
Lap | laparotomy | |
LBBB | left bundle-branch block | |
LE | lower extremity | |
LFTs | liver function tests | |
Lig | ligament | |
LMD | local medical doctor | |
LMP | last menstrual period | |
LN | lymph node | |
LOC | loss of consciousness | |
LP | lumbar puncture | |
LPH | left posterior hemiblock | |
LV | left ventricle | |
LVF | left ventricular failure | |
Lytes | electrolytes | ![]() |
M & M | morbidity and mortality (conference) | |
M | murmur | |
MAE | moves all extremities | |
MAL | midaxillary line | |
MCH | mean corpuscular haemoglobin | |
MCL | midclavicular line | |
MHCU | mental health care unit | |
MI | myocardial infarction; mitral incompetence | |
MIC | minimum inhibitory concentration | |
MMR | measles, mumps, and rubella (vaccine) | |
MR | mitral regurgitation; mental retardation | |
MRI | magnetic resonance imaging | |
MS | multiple sclerosis; mitral stenosis; mental status | |
MSU | midstream urine (culture) | |
MVP | mitral valve prolaps | ![]() |
N/V/D/C | nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation | |
NABS | normal active bowel sounds | |
NBN | newborn nursery | |
NGTF | nasogastric tube feeding | |
NK(D)A | no known (drug) allergies | |
NPO | (nihil per orem) empty stomach | |
NS | normal saline; not significant | |
NSAID | nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug(s) | |
NSR | normal sinus rhythm | |
NSS | normal sterile saline | |
NTG | nitroglycerin | |
OBGYN | obstretics and gynecology | |
OCP | oral combined pill | |
od | (omni die) every day | |
OM | otitis media | |
OPD | outpatient department | |
OR | operating room | |
OT | occupational therapy | ![]() |
P & A | percussion and auscultation | |
PA | pulmonary artery; posteroanterior | |
PAP | pulmonary artery pressure | |
PAR | postanesthesia recovery | |
PC | (post cibum) after meals; presenting complaint; packed cells | |
PCN | penicillin | |
PD | peritoneal dialysis | |
PDA | patent ductus arteriosus | |
PDR | Physician’s Desk Reference (U.S.) | |
PE | pulmonary embolus; physical examination | |
PERRLA | pupils equal, round, reactice to light and accommodation | |
PET | positron emission tomography | |
PFTs | pulmonary function tests | |
PHx | past history | |
PI | present illness | |
PIH | pregnancy-induced hypertension | |
PM & R | physical medicine and rehabilitation (U.S.) | |
PMB | post-menopausal bleeding | |
PMC | pseudomembanous colitis | |
PMH | past medical history | |
PMI | point of maximal intensity; previous medical illnesses | |
PND | paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea | |
po | (per orem) oral | |
PPD | packs per day; purified protein derivative (cutaneous test for tuberculosis); post partum | |
pr | (per rectum) rectal | |
PRBCs | packed red blood cells | |
Preme | premature infant | |
PRO-time | prothrombin time | |
PSH | psychosocial history; past surgical history | |
PT | physical therapy; prothrombin time | |
PTA | prior to admission | |
PTT | partial thromboplastin time | |
PUD | peptic ulcer disease | |
PVC | premature ventricular contraction | |
PVD | peripheral vascular disease | |
P-Y | pack years | ![]() |
Qd | (quotidian) daily | |
qds | 4 times a day | |
qhs | every night | |
qod | every other day | |
R/g/m | rubs/gallops/murmurs | |
r/o | rule out | |
RA | rheumatoid arthritis | |
RAD | right axis deviation | |
Rad hys | radical hysterectomy | |
RBBB | right bundle-branch block | |
RBC | red blood cells/count | |
RF | rheumatic fever; renal failure | |
RFA | reason for admission | |
ROS | review of systems | |
RR | respiratory rate | |
RRR | regular rate and rhythm | |
RVH | right ventricular hypertrophy | |
Rx | take prescription; treatment | ![]() |
S/p | status post | |
S/S | signs and symptoms | |
S1,S2 | first, second heart sound | |
SAH | subarachnoid hemorrhage | |
SB | small bowel | |
Sc | subcutaneously | |
SD | standard deviation | |
SE | saline enema | |
Sed | sedimentation (U.S.) | |
SHx | social history | |
SI | sacroiliac joint | |
sl | sublingually | |
SLE | systemic lupus erythematosus | |
SLR | straight leg raising (Lasègue) | |
SNS | sympathetic nervous system | |
SOB(OE) | short of breath (on exertion) | |
Sp. fl. | spinal fluid | |
Spec | specimen | |
SPEP | serum protein electrophoresis | |
Stat | (statim) immediately | |
STD | sexually transmitted disease | |
Supp | suppository | |
SVT | supraventricular tachycardia | |
Sx | symptoms | |
Sz | seizure | ![]() |
T & A | tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy | |
T & C | type and cross match | |
Tab | tablet | |
tachy | tachycardia | |
TB | tuberculosis | |
TCN | tetracycline | |
TEE | transesophageal echocardiography | |
Temp | temperature | |
TFTs | thyroid function tests | |
TGA | transposition of the great arteries | |
THR | total hip replacement | |
TIA | transient ischemic attack | |
TM | tympanic membrane | |
TNG | nitroglycerin (U.S.) | |
TOP | termination of pregnancy | |
TP | total protein | |
TPN | total parenteral nutrition | |
TPR | temperature, pulse and respirations | |
TV | tidal volume | |
Tx | transplantation; therapy | ![]() |
UA | urinalysis | |
UE | upper extremity | |
URTI | upper respiratory tract infection | |
US | ultrasound | |
UTI | urinary tract infection | |
Vag | vaginal | |
VC | vital capacity | |
VD | venereal disease | |
vd | void | |
VF | ventricular fibrillation | |
VIP | voluntary interruption of pregnancy | |
VPB | ventricular premature beats | |
VS | vital signs | |
VSD | ventricular septal defect | |
VSS | vital signs stable | |
W/C | wheelchair | |
WB | whole blood | |
WCC | white cell count | |
WN | well nourished | |
WNL | within normal limits | ![]() |
YO | years old |