- Cardio-
vascular - Respiratory
- Endocrine
- GI
Liver - Nephrology
- Neurology
- Orthopaedics
- Psychiatry
Key Points in Anatomy and Physiology »show table...
The heart | |
The right heart – atrium and ventricle – receives blood from the central veins, sends blood to the pulmonary artery and lungs. Valves – tricuspid and pulmonary. | |
The left heart – atrium and ventricle – receives blood from the pulmonary veins and sends blood to the aorta and the rest of the body. Valves – mitral and aortic. | |
The pericardium surrounds the heart. | |
The conducting system – sinoatrial node and atrioventricular node, left and right Bundles of His – control cardiac rate and rhythm. | |
The peripheral vascular system | |
clinically important arteries | |
Aorta | |
Carotid | |
Subclavian | |
Brachial | |
Radial | |
Ulnar | |
Femoral | |
Popliteal | |
Posterior tibial | |
Dorsalis pedis | |
Veins | |
Superior and inferior vena cava | |
Jugular veins | |
Femoral veins | |
Saphenous veins | |
Lymphatic system | |
Thoracic duct |
Major presentations of disease »show table...
Major presentations of disease specific to this system | |
Chest pain (angina, myocardial infarction, pericardial pain, aortic dissection) | |
Breathlessness | |
Palpitation | |
Syncope (fainting) | |
Oedema | |
Hypertension | |
Intermittent claudication | |
Gangrene |
History taking »show table...
General framework for history | Particular questions, if any, which are specific to the cardiovascular system (the vocabulary for general questions is listed in a different section). | |
Identification and demographics | name, age, height, weight | |
History of the present illness (HPI) - questions about the complaint(s) | Chest pain
Syncope (fainting)
Intermittent claudication
Past Medical History (PMH) (including major illnesses, any previous surgery/operations, any current ongoing illness, childhood illnesses). | Ask about: | |
Rheumatic fever | ||
High blood pressure | ||
Thyroid disease | ||
Diabetes | ||
Stroke | ||
High cholesterol | ||
Review of systems (ROS) - Systematic questioning about different organ systems | Ask about above symptoms, plus: | |
Social / Family Drug / Past Medical History »show table...
Family history – especially conditions relevant to the patient's chief complaint. | Ask about: | |
Family history of hypertension or diabetes | ||
Family history of heart or vascular disease | ||
High cholesterol | ||
Social history (medicine) - including living arrangements, occupational history, marital status, number of children, smoking history, alcohol use, drug abuse, foreign travel, exposure to environmental pathogens | Emphasise – smoking, alcohol, poor nutrition, obesity. Recreational drugs causing cardiac disease. |
Sexual and reproductive history, as appropriate | Ask about cardiac problems or high blood pressure during pregnancy | |
Drug history - regular and acute medications (including those prescribed by doctors, and others obtained over-the-counter or alternative medicine) | ACE inhibitors (ACEI) and Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (ARB). | |
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID). | ||
B-blockers (aggravate peripheral vascular disease) | ||
Allergies | medications, food, latex, and other environmental factors |
Physical Examination »show table...
General | |
Pulse (radial, brachial, carotid, femoral, pedal) | |
Blood pressure | |
Jugular venous pressure | |
Praecordium | |
Look (inspection):
Feel (palpation):
Listen (auscultation):
Investigation / Procedures »show table...
Investigation / Procedures | |
Electrocardiography | |
Echocardiography | |
Chest X-ray | |
Cardiac catheterisation | |
Cardiac CT, MRI | |
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring | |
Plasma lipids (cholesterol, triglycerides) | |
Cardiac enzymes (troponin) |
Differential Diagnosis – common clinical conditions »show table...
Differential Diagnosis – common clinical conditions | |
Myocardial infarction | |
Angina | |
Pericarditis | |
Aortic dissection | |
Heart failure | |
Cardiomyopathy | |
Pulmonary hypertension | |
Valvular disease – aortic stenosis/incompetence, mitral stenosis/incompetence, pulmonary stenosis, tricuspid incompetence | |
Arrhythmias – atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, atrial and ventricular extrasystoles, heart block | |
Hypertensive heart disease with left ventricular hypertrophy | |
Peripheral atherosclerosis | |
Ischaemic or embolic stroke | |
Raynaud's syndrome (digital vasospasm |
Management of diseases »show table...
Ischaemic heart disease |
Drugs for heart failure |
Drugs for arrhythmia |
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Key Points in Anatomy and Physiology »show table...
Key points in anatomy and physiology | |
Upper respiratory tract (nasopharynx; oropharynx; laryngopharynx). | |
Lower respiratory tract (Left and Right Main Bronchi; Bronchioles; Acini) | |
Right lung – upper, middle and lower lobes | |
Left lung – upper and lower lobes | |
Bronchial arteries and veins; Pulmonary arteries and veins | |
The pleura and pleural cavities | |
Anatomical landmarks | |
The respiratory tract is lined with ciliated pseudo-stratified columnar epithelium. | |
Pulmonary gas exchange – oxygen and carbon dioxide | |
Pulmonary ventilation and perfusion |
Major presentations of Disease »show table...
Major presentations of disease specific to this system | |
Breathlessness | |
Cough | |
Sputum | |
Haemoptysis | |
Wheeze | |
Stridor | |
Chest Discomfort – e.g. pleuritic chest pain |
History taking »show table...
Identification and demographics: | name, age, height, weight. | |
History of the present illness (HPI) - questions about the complaint(s) | Breathlessness | |
Cough | ||
Sputum (“phlegm”) | ||
Haemoptysis | ||
Wheeze | ||
Chest pain | ||
Stridor | ||
Hoarseness | ||
Social/Family/Drug/Past Medical History »show table...
Past Medical History (PMH) (including major illnesses, any previous surgery/operations, any current ongoing illness, childhood illnesses). | Ask about any past history of respiratory disease, including tuberculosis or other infections. | |
Review of systems (ROS) - Systematic questioning about different organ systems | Ask about symptoms as above | |
Family history – especially conditions relevant to the patient's chief complaint. | Cystic Fibrosis | |
α-1 antitrypsin deficiency | ||
Social history (medicine) - including living arrangements, occupational history, marital status, number of children, smoking history, alcohol use, drug abuse, foreign travel, exposure to environmental pathogens. | Increased risk of respiratory disease: | |
Smoking | ||
Alcohol | ||
Drugs | ||
Drug history - regular and acute medications (including those prescribed by doctors, and others obtained over-the-counter or alternative medicine) | What medicines are you taking at the moment? | |
Have these changed recently? | ||
Allergies - to medications, food, latex, and other environmental factors | Are you allergic to anything? |
Physical Examination »show table...
Physical Examination | |
Some common questions/commands | |
Look for (inspection): | |
Feel for (palpation): | |
Percussion: | |
Listen (auscultation): | |
Investigation/Procedure »show table...
Investigations | |
Peak expiratory flow rate | |
Plasma | |
Imaging | |
The Chest X-Ray (CXR) | |
CT scan of thorax | |
Isotope scanning | |
CT Pulmonary angiography | |
Lymph node biopsy | |
Bronchoscopy | |
Lung biopsy | |
Pleural aspiration and biopsy |
Differential Diagnosis – common clinical conditions »show table...
Differential Diagnosis – common clinical conditions | |
Asthma | |
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD) | |
Bronchiectasis | |
Pulmonary Embolism (PE) | |
Pneumothorax | |
Tuberculosis | |
Pneumonia | |
Lung Cancer | |
Asbestosis | |
Coal Worker's Pneumoconiosis | |
Sarcoidosis | |
Pigeon Fancier's Lung | |
Pulmonary Fibrosis/ | |
Wegner's Granulomatosis | |
Goodpasture's Syndrome | |
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Hypopnoea Syndrome (OSAHS) |
Management of Diseases »show table...
Management of Diseases | |
Inhalers: | |
Oxygen therapy | |
Mucolytics – Carbocysteine Tablets | |
Cough Suppressions – Codeine Phosphate. | |
Oral Corticosteroids | |
Chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgical treatment for cancer. | |
Antibiotics | |
Anti-tuberculous chemotherapy | |
Anti-fungal drugs | |
Anticoagulation (heparin, warfarin) | |
Chest physiotherapy | |
Artificial ventilation |
Case »show table...
Case 1 | D: Can you tell me what brought you into hospital today? |
P: Well I think I have a chest infection; I've been getting very breathless and bringing up green stuff. |
D: Alright, has this happened to you before? Do you usually cough up something? |
P: Yes, most of the time I cough up something every day. It's not normally green though. I usually have to go to the doctor a few times a year and get told that I have a chest infection. |
D: I see. Tell me more about what you cough up. How much do you cough up? |
P: I'd say about a cup full of clear mucus every day, usually in the morning. Like I said before, it sometimes turns green and then I go to the doctors. |
D: Green you said? Have you ever coughed up any blood? |
P: No, never. |
D: You said you were breathless....Can you give me an idea of how bad the breathlessness is? |
P: Not too bad. Usually I'm not breathless but recently I've been unable to get about myself. I've been finding it difficult to do the shopping. |
D: And can you tell me how quickly this came on? How long ago were you your normal self? |
P: It came on suddenly, over a few days. I was able to get about as normal last week. |
D: Have you had any pain with that? |
P: Yes, a little right here on my left side. It's sharp when I breathe in. |
D: Ok, I see. Do you suffer from any wheeze at all? |
P: Sometimes I get a bit wheezy but only when my breathlessness is really bad. |
D: And are you on any medication? |
P: I sometimes take paracetamol for pain – but not often. I have a blue inhaler (salbutamol) for my chest but nothing else regularly. I've been taking antibiotics and steroids whilst in hospital. |
D: Ok, I see. Do you have any other health problems, either now or in the past? |
P: No, just the chest infections in the past. |
D: Any health problems that run in the family? |
P: No, not that I'm aware. My mother has angina. |
D: Ok, and do you smoke? Drink alcohol? Take drugs? |
P: Yes, I do smoke. I have done for the past 20 years – about one full pack per day. I don't drink much – just the odd glass of wine and drugs have never interested me; I've avoided them. |
D: Ok, and do you have any worries about your health? What do you feel about your condition? |
P: On the whole, it doesn't bother me, but I'm afraid it will get worse. I know smoking is bad and cancer is a worry – I've tried to give up in the past but I just find it really difficult. At the moment though, my health doesn't really bother me – just the odd chest infection. I just don't want to end up like my mother who needs the doctors a lot. |
D: I see, well let's talk about that.... |
Case summary | Here we have a 55yr old woman who presented to hospital with increasing shortness of breath and a change in character of her usual smoker's cough. She reports coughing more frequently and a change in the character of her sputum which has changed from clear, serous fluid to a thick green mucus over the past few days. This has been accompanied by a right sided pleuritic chest pain. Normally, she would cough up about half a cup of clear fluid in the morning. She takes salbutamol for breathlessness when it gets bad, but reports not taking anything regularly. She has not coughed up any blood. |
She has smoked 20 cigarettes per day for the last 20 years (20 pack year) and has the occasional glass of wine. There is no relevant family history. |
Based on the history, this woman has presented with a lower respiratory tract infection on a background of bronchiectasis. |
Key Points in Anatomy and Physiology »show table...
Key points in anatomy and physiology | |
Gland | |
Hypothalamus – GnRH (Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone), TRH (Thyrotropin – Releasing Hormone), Dopamine, GHRH (Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone), Stomatostatin, CRH (Corticotrophin Releasing Hormone) | |
Pituitary – GH (Growth Hormone), TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone), Prolactin, FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone), LH (Luteinizing Hormone), ACTH (Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone) Posterior Pituitary – Oxytocin, ADH (Antidiuretic Hormone) [Vasopressin] |
Thyroid - Thyroxine | |
Parathyroid – Parathyroid Hormone | |
Pancreas – Insulin, Glucagon, Somatostatin | |
Adrenals – Cortisol, Aldosterone, DHEA (Dihydroepiandosterone) | |
Gonads | |
Testes - Testosterone | |
Ovaries – Oestrogen, Progesterone | |
Autocrine | |
Paracrine | |
Endocrine | |
Viatmin D | |
Noradrenaline (NA) | |
Triiodothyronine |
Major presentations of disease »show table...
Major presentations of disease specific to this system | |
Alopecia | |
Amenorrhoea | |
Angina | |
Ankle swelling | |
Anorexia | |
Anxiety | |
Apathy | |
Bruising | |
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome | |
Cataracts | |
Central Obesity | |
Constipation | |
Deafness | |
Decreased Skin Thickness | |
Depression | |
Diarrhoea | |
Diplopia | |
Dry Hair | |
Dry Skin | |
Excessive Lacrimation | |
Fatigue | |
Galactorrhoea | |
Gynaecomastia | |
Hair Thinning | |
Heat/Cold Intolerance | |
Hypercalcaemia | |
Hyperglycaemia | |
Hyperkalaemia | |
Hypoglycaemia | |
Hyponatraemia | |
Impotence | |
Infertility | |
Irritability | |
Loss of libido | |
Loss of secondary sexual characteristics | |
Loss of visual acuity | |
Menorrhagia | |
Moon Face | |
Muscle stiffness | |
Muscle weakness | |
Palpitations | |
Peptic Ulceration | |
Pigmentation | |
Postural Hypotension | |
Primary/Secondary Amenorrhoea | |
Pruritis | |
Psychosis | |
Renal Colic | |
Shock | |
Steatorrhoea | |
Striae | |
Sweating | |
Tremor | |
Vomiting | |
Weight loss/gain | |
Retinopathy | |
Nephropathy (Diabetic) | |
Peripheral Neuropathy | |
Diabetic Foot Disease |
Investigation/Procedure »show table...
Investigations | |
Blood Glucose (BM) | |
Calcium | |
CT | |
Dexamethasone Suppression Test | |
FNA Cytology | |
Gonadotrophins | |
MRI | |
PET | |
Radionuclide | |
Serum Cortisol | |
Sinus ACTH Sampling | |
Specific Hormone Testing | |
Thyroxine | |
TSH | |
Ultrasound | |
Urinalysis |
Differential Diagnosis – common clinical conditions »show table...
Differential Diagnosis – common clinical conditions | ||
Pituitary | Pituitary Adenoma | |
Pituitary Insufficiency (post trauma) | ||
Acromegally | ||
Craniopharyngioma | ||
SIADH (Syndrome of Inappropriate Anti-Diuretic Hormone release) | ||
Diabetes Insipidus | ||
Parathyroid | Primary Hyperparathyroidism | |
Secondary Hyperparathyroidism | ||
Tertiary Hyperparathyroidism | ||
Pseudohyperparathyroidism | ||
Thyroid | Hypothyroidism | |
Hyperthyroidism | ||
Grave's Disease | ||
Autoimmune Hypothyroidism | ||
Multinodular Goitre | ||
Transient Thyroiditis | ||
Thyrotoxic Crisis | ||
Hashimoto's Thyroiditis | ||
Adrenals | Phaeochromocytoma | |
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia | ||
Cushing's Disease | ||
Addison's Disease | ||
Conn's Syndrome | ||
GI Tract | Insulinoma | |
Gastrinoma | ||
Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus | ||
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus | ||
Pancreatic Carcinoma | ||
Neuroendocrine Tumours | ||
Carcinoid Tumours | ||
Reproductive | PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) | |
Leydig Cell Tumour | ||
Teratoma | ||
Granulosa Cell Tumour | ||
Menopause | ||
Hypogonadism | ||
Turner's Syndrome (45XO) | ||
Klinefelter's Syndrome (47XXY) | ||
5 alpha reductase deficiency (guevedoce) |
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Key Points in Anatomy and Physiology »show table...
Key Points in Anatomy and Physiology | |
Oral Cavity (tongue, gums) | |
Oesophagus | |
Stomach (cardia, fundus, body, pylorus) | |
Duodenum (Duodeno-jejunal Flexure) | |
Liver, Gall Bladder | |
Pancreas | |
Ampulla of Vater | |
Jejunum | |
Ileum (Terminal Ileum) | |
Colon (Caecum, Appendix, Ascending Colon, Transverse Colon, Descending Colon, Hepatic/Splenic Flexure) | |
Sigmoid Colon | |
Rectum | |
Anus | |
Arterial Tree | |
Aorta | |
Coeliac Trunk (Left Gastric, Splenic, Common Hepatic Artery) | |
Superior Mesenteric Artery | |
Inferior Mesenteric Artery | |
Surgical Divisions of the Abdomen | |
Right Upper Quadrant | |
Right Lower Quadrant | |
Left Upper Quadrant | |
Left Lower Quadrant | |
Regions of the Abdomen | |
Right Hypochondrium, Epigastrium, Left Hypochondrium, Right Flank, Umbilical Region, Left Flank, Right Iliac Fossa, Hypogastrium, Left Iliac Fossa | |
Stomach | |
Gastric Acid | |
Parietal Cell | |
Chief Cell | |
Gastrin | |
Somatostatin | |
Amylase | |
Insulin | |
Glucagon | |
Lipases (Lipase, Colopase) | |
Proteolytic Enzymes (Trypsinogen, Chymotrypsinogen, Proelastase) |
Major presentations of disease »show table...
Major Presentation of Disease | |
Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) | |
Haematemesis (vomiting blood) | |
Dyspepsia/Heart burn | |
Abdominal Pain | |
Abdominal Distension | |
Altered Bowel Habit (frequency, consistency) | |
Constipation | |
Diarrhoea | |
PR Blood/Melaena | |
Wind/Flatulence | |
Jaundice | |
Other Symptoms | |
Anorexia (loss of appetite) | |
Weight Loss | |
Xerostomia (dry mouth) | |
Halitosis (bad breath) | |
Dysgeusia (abnormal taste) | |
Globus (feeling a lump in the throat) | |
Waterbrash (acid in mouth) | |
Hiccups | |
Steatorrhoea (fatty stools) | |
Pruritus (itch) |
History taking »show table...
General Framework For History | Particular questions, if any, which are specific to the renal system (the vocabulary for general questions is listed in a different section). | |
Patient ID and Demographics | Name, Age, Sex, Weight, Weight Loss? (Period?) | |
History of the Presenting Complaint (HPI) - questions about the complaint(s) | Dysphagia | |
Do you ever feel yourself bringing it back up? (regurgitation) | ||
Is there any pain on swallowing? | ||
Is it getting worse? Does it ever stop/go away? | ||
How long has it been there for? | ||
Have you had it before? | ||
Is it mainly for liquids, solids or both? | ||
Can you point to where you feel the food sticking? | ||
Haematemesis/Melaena | ||
Have you ever suffered from (dyspepsia, ulcers, GI bleeding, liver disease) in the past? | ||
Have you been taking/prescribed NSAIDs/Steroids? | ||
Alcohol Intake? | ||
What did you vomit? Can you describe it for me?(Fresh blood/coffee grounds) | ||
Did this appear in your first vomit? | ||
Were you retching beforehand? | ||
Abdominal Pain | ||
Where is the pain? (Site) | ||
How long has it been there for? (Onset) | ||
What does the pain feel like? (Character - see pain vocabulary) | ||
Does the pain go anywhere? (Radiation) | ||
Is there any other symptoms with the pain? (Association) | ||
Is the pain constant or does it come and go? (Timing) | ||
Does anything make it worse/better? (Exacerbating/Relieving Factors) | ||
How severe is the pain? (Severity) | ||
Abdominal Distension (Ascites?) | ||
How long did it take to become distended? | ||
Has it ever been like this before? | ||
Have you ever had any fluid drained from your abdomen before? | ||
Bowel Habit Changes (frequency, consistency) | ||
How often do you usually go to the toilet? | ||
How has this changed? | ||
How has your stool changed? | ||
Constipation | ||
How long has it been there for? | ||
How often do you empty your bowels? | ||
Do you spend much time straining? | ||
Is there any pain when passing stool? | ||
Is there any blood? If so, is it on the paper? | ||
Have your medications changed recently? | ||
Has the stool itself changed? (Shape/Size) | ||
Diarrhoea | ||
How long has it been there for? | ||
How often do you go to the toilet? (frequency) | ||
Do you ever feel like you're going to be caught short? (urgency) Or have you ever not made it to the toilet? (Incontinence) | ||
Can you describe the consistency of the stool? (solid/semisolid/ricewater/liquid...) | ||
What volume is the stool? | ||
Is there any blood or mucus in the stool? | ||
Have you had any contact with people suffering from diarrhoea? | ||
Any travel abroad? | ||
Any change in medication? | ||
Do you ever have to wake up to go to the toilet? | ||
PR Blood/Melaena | ||
How often does it occur? | ||
How long has it been present? | ||
PR Blood - Is it on the paper/in the pan? | ||
PR Blood - How much blood is there? | ||
Wind/Flatulence | ||
How often? | ||
Do you ever hear your bowels? If so, how loud are they? How often? | ||
Jaundice | ||
Who noticed the jaundice? | ||
When did it occur? | ||
How long has it been present? | ||
Any recent travel or contact with infection? | ||
Is there any history of liver disease? |
Social/Family/Drug/Past Medical History »show table...
Social History (medicine) Ask questions as appropriate, examples are given. Including living arrangements, occupational history, marital status, number of children, smoking history, alcohol use, drug abuse, foreign travel, exposure to environmental pathogens. | Smoking: Do you smoke? |
Have you ever smoked? | ||
How much do you smoke? | ||
How long have you smoked for? | ||
Alcohol: Do you drink alcohol? |
How much do you drink? | ||
Has it always been this much? | ||
Drugs: Have you ever used any recreational drugs? If so, which drugs? |
How did you take them? (Inject/smoke) | ||
How long did you take them for? | ||
Have you ever used any other medications (Over the counter/non prescribed) | ||
Foreign Travel: Have you ever travelled abroad? |
Where? When? | ||
Sexual History: Have you ever had any unprotected sex |
Have you ever had any sex with men? (homosexual) or have you ever used prostitutes? | ||
How many sexual partners have you had? | ||
Others: Have you ever had any tattoos? |
Have you ever received a blood transfusion/any blood products? | ||
Family History – especially conditions relevant to the patient's chief complaint. | Has anyone in the family ever had trouble with their bowels? | |
Is there any history of inflammatory bowel disease? (Crohn's/Ulcerative Colitis) | ||
Has anyone in the family suffered from colorectal cancer? | ||
Has anyone in the family been diagnosed with ... Wilson's Disease/Haemochromatosis/Gilbert's Syndrome? | ||
Has anyone in the family been found to have polyps in their colon? | ||
Drug History - regular and acute medications (including those prescribed by doctors, and others obtained over-the-counter or alternative medicine) | Which medications are you taking at the moment? | |
Have there been any changes lately? | ||
Past Medical History (PMH) (including major illnesses, any previous surgery/operations, any current ongoing illness, childhood illnesses). | Do you suffer from any other health problems? | |
Have you suffered from any health issues in the past? | ||
Have you ever been admitted to hospital? If so, what for? | ||
Have you ever had any abdominal surgery? | ||
Have you had any investigations of your (bowels/liver) carried out in the past? |
Physical Examination »show table...
Look (inspection): | |
Feel (palpation):
Listen (auscultation):
Pelvic/PR Exam:
Investigation/Procedure »show table...
Investigation / Procedures | |
Chest X-Ray (CXR) | |
Abdominal X-Ray (AXR) | |
Upper GI Endoscopy | |
Lower GI Endoscopy | |
CT Colonography | |
MRCP (Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography) | |
ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography) | |
Laparoscopy | |
Abdominal CT | |
Barium Meal | |
Abdominal/Pelvic Ultrasound Scan | |
Guided Aspiration/Cytology | |
Abdominal Paracentesis |
Differential Diagnosis – common clinical conditions »show table...
Differential Diagnosis – common clinical conditions | |
GORD (Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease) | |
Barrett's Oesophagus | |
Mallory-Weiss Tear | |
PUD (Peptic Ulcer Disease) | |
Gastritis | |
Whipple's Disease | |
Coeliac's Disease (gluten enteropathy) | |
Infective Disorders (Traveller's Diarrhoea, Bacillus Cereus Infection, Clostridium Difficile) | |
Acute/Chronic Pancreatitis | |
Hepatic Cirrhosis | |
Viral Hepatitis (A-E) Infection | |
Alcoholic Liver Disease | |
Primary Biliary Cirrhosis | |
Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis | |
Auto-immune hepatitis | |
Hepatocellular Carcinoma | |
Cholecystitis | |
Choledocholithiasis (gallstones) | |
Crohn's Disease | |
Ulcerative Colitis | |
IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) | |
Colorectal Carcinoma | |
Diverticulitis | |
Constipation | |
Anal Fissure |
Management of diseases »show table...
Drugs / Medication | |
Motility Disorders
Peptic Ulcer Disrease
Viral Hepatitis
Cases »show table...
Case 1 History |
D: Hi there, Mr A? Can you tell me why you're in hospital at the moment? |
Case 1 Summary |
This pleasant 53 year old gentleman presented to A+E with acute onset haematemesis and a known history of alcoholic liver disease with the presence of oesophageal varices. These were visible on endoscopy and were band ligated to stop the bleeding. Medical therapy of antibiotics and beta-agonists accompanied the band ligation to ensure optimal treatment. |
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Key Points in Anatomy and Physiology »show table...
Key points in anatomy and physiology | |
Size, shape, position of kidneys | |
Kidneys lie POSTERIORLY and move DOWN during inspiration. | |
Kidneys and ureters are retro-peritoneal. | |
Anatomy of bladder, prostate, urethra, male genitalia. | |
The nephron – glomerulus, proximal tubule, Loop of Henle, distal tubule, collecting duct. | |
Ureters and bladder are lined by a transitional cell epithelium. | |
Glomerular filtration | |
Tubular reabsorption and secretion | |
Renal hormones – the renin-angiotensin system, 1:25-OH Vitamin D3, erythropoetin |
Major presentations of disease »show table...
Major presentations of disease | |
Renal failure (biochemical diagnosis) | |
Pain – from kidneys or ureters (loin pain), bladder or urethra (suprapubic). Dysuria = pain on passing urine. |
Disordered micturition (passing urine) – frequency, urgency, nocturia, hesitancy and dribbling, incontinence. | |
Altered urine volume – polyuria, oliguria, anuria. | |
Abnormalities in urine – haematuria, proteinuria. |
History taking »show table...
General framework for history | Particular questions, if any, which are specific to the renal system (the vocabulary for general questions is listed in a different section). | |
Identification and demographics | Name, age, height, weight. | |
History of the present illness (HPI) - questions about the complaint(s) | Renal failure
Disordered micturition
Altered urine volume
Abnormalities in urine
Past Medical History (PMH) (including major illnesses, any previous surgery/operations, any current ongoing illness, childhood illnesses). | Ask about : | |
Family history – especially conditions relevant to the patient's chief complaint. | Ask about: | |
Social/Family/Drug/Past Medical History »show table...
Social history (medicine) | including living arrangements, occupational history, marital status, number of children, smoking history, alcohol use, drug abuse, foreign travel, exposure to environmental pathogens. | |
Sexual and reproductive history, as appropriate. | Problems during pregnancy - hypertension, urinary infection, proteinuria. | |
Drug history - regular and acute medications (including those prescribed by doctors, and others obtained over-the-counter or alternative medicine) | ACE inhibitors (ACEI) and Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (ARB). | |
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID). | ||
Allergies - to medications, food, latex, and other environmental factors | Allergic drug reactions may cause kidney failure. |
Physical Examination »show table...
General | |
Abdomen | |
Look (inspection):
Feel (palpation):
Listen (auscultation):
Investigation/Procedure »show table...
Investigations | |
Urinalysis – for blood, protein, glucose | |
Urine microscopy – for red cells, white cells, casts, bacteria | |
Urine culture and sensitivities (C&S) | |
Plasma: | |
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) – used to classify stages of CKD. Measured as creatinine clearance (needs 24 hour urine collection) | |
Imaging | |
renal tract ultrasound | |
CT scan | |
renal angiography (direct, CT or MRI) | |
renal isotope scan | |
Other | |
Renal biopsy | |
Cystoscopy |
Differential Diagnosis – common clinical conditions »show table...
Differential Diagnosis – common clinical conditions | |
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) – stages 1-5 | |
Acute renal failure (ARF) | |
Glomerulonephritis – many types | |
Interstitial nephritis | |
Vasculitis | |
Diabetic nephropathy | |
Hypertensive nephropathy | |
Renal vascular disease | |
Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease (APKD) | |
Vesico-ureteric reflux | |
Obstructive uropathy | |
Renal stone disease | |
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia | |
Prostate cancer | |
Renal adenocarcinoma | |
Cancer of renal pelvis, ureter, bladder (transitional cell carcinoma) |
Management of diseases »show table...
vocabulary in English
Management of Diseases | |
Renal replacement therapy (for CKD stage 5) | |
Immunosuppressive drugs (for some forms of glomerulonephritis, vasculitis, and after transplantation) | |
Recombinant erythropoietin (EPO) for renal anaemia |
Key Points in Anatomy and Physiology (incl. Glasgow Coma Scale) »show table...
Key Points in Anatomy and Physiology | |
Neurone = cell body, axon, synapse | |
Astrocytes - form the blood brain barrier | |
Oligodendrocytes, Schwann cells – form myelin sheaths | |
Action Potentials pass along axons | |
Synaptic transmission between neurones and/or muscle cells | |
Ion Channels | |
Neurotransmitters | |
Central Nervous System (CNS) | |
Brain | |
White Matter | |
Grey Matter | |
Cerebral Hemispheres | |
Corpus Callosum | |
Parietal Lobe | |
Frontal Lobe | |
Occipital Lobe | |
Temporal Lobe | |
Broca's Area | |
Wernicke's Area | |
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) | |
Dura mater | |
Arachnoid | |
Pia mater | |
Cerebellum | |
Brain Stem | |
Pons | |
Medulla | |
Hypothalamus | |
Pituitary gland | |
Cranial nerves | |
Spinal cord | |
Dorsal Columns | |
Lateral columns | |
Ventral columns | |
Dorsal root ganglia | |
Anterior horns | |
Peripheral nervous system (PNS) | |
Motor Neurone | |
Sensory Neurone | |
Brachial Plexus | |
Lumbo-Sacral Plexus | |
Peripheral nerves | |
Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) |
Cranial Nerves | |
I - Olfactory | |
II - Optic | |
III - Oculomotor | |
IV- Trochlear | |
V - Trigeminal | |
VI - Abducens | |
VII - Facial | |
VIII- Vestibulocochlear | |
IX- Glossopharyngeal | |
X - Vagus | |
XI- Accessory | |
XII - Hypoglossal |
Important Peripheral Nerves | |
Radial Nerve | |
Ulnar Nerve | |
Median Nerve | |
Musculocutaneous Nerve | |
Sciatic Nerve | |
Pudendal Nerve | |
Lateral Cutaneous Nerve | |
Femoral Nerve | |
Common Peroneal Nerve |
Important Arteries/Veins | |
Internal Carotid Artery | |
Circle of Willis | |
Anterior Communicating Artery | |
Middle Communicating Artery | |
Posterior Communicating Artery | |
Anterior Cerebral Artery | |
Middle Cerebral Artery | |
Posterior Cerebral Artery | |
Vertebral Artery | |
Vertebro-basilar Circulation | |
Anterior Circulation | |
Middle Meningeal Artery | |
Cerebral Venous Sinuses | |
Watershed Area | |
Lenticulostriate Arteries (site of lacunar infarction) |
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) | |
Motor response | 1 - No response |
2 - Extends to Pain | |
3 - Abnormal Flexure to Pain | |
4 - Flexes to Pain | |
5 - Localises to Pain | |
6 - Obeys Commands | |
Verbal response | 1 - No Response |
2 - Incomprehensible Sounds | |
3 - Inappropriate Words | |
4 - Confused, Disoriented | |
5 - Normal, Oriented | |
Eye opening | 1 - No response |
2 - Eyes open to pain | |
3 - Eyes open to verbal stimulus | |
4 - Eyes open spontaneously |
Major presentations of disease »show table...
Presenting Problems / Symptoms and related vocabulary | |
Headache | |
Facial Pain | |
Dizziness/Loss of Balance | |
Fits/Faints | |
Numbness/Tingling | |
Weakness | |
Visual/Hearing Problems | |
Speech/Swallowing/Eating | |
Tremor | |
Memory | |
Personality Change | |
Disorders of Gait | |
Sleep Disturbance | |
History taking »show table...
History of the present illness | |
Headache | |
Loss of Consciousness/Fits/Faints | |
Dizziness/Vertigo | |
Numbness/Tingling | |
Weakness | |
Visual/Hearing Problems | |
Speech/Swallowing/Eating | |
Tremor | |
Memory | |
Personality Change (this may be brought to your attention by a relative) | |
Social/Family/Drug/Past Medical History »show table...
Family History | |
Do any diseases run in your family? | |
Does anyone have a history of | |
Drug History | |
Which medications do you take? | |
How long have you been taking them for? | |
Specific drugs which may cause neurological problems: | |
Social History | |
Do you drink alcohol? | |
What is your job? | |
Are you exposed to any harmful chemicals through your work? | |
How is your sexual health? | |
How are you coping with your problems? | |
Do you have support at home? | |
Are you worried about your problems? | |
Do you drive? | |
Are you worried about driving? |
Physical Examination »show table...
Physical Exam - Cranial Nerves | |
CN 1 | Do you have a blocked nose? |
What can you smell? (offer different potent samples) | |
CN 2 | Do you wear glasses? |
Can you close one eye and read as much as this chart as you can? |
Look straight ahead, cover one eye and tell me when you can see my finger/hat pin. |
Look at my fingers, tell me which one moves. |
Look straight ahead for me, I would like to look into your eyes with this light. |
CN 3, 4, 6 | Keep your head still and follow my finger with your eyes. |
I’m just going to have a look at your eyes... |
CN 5 | Can you feel this cotton wool/pin? |
Does it feel the same on both sides? |
Can you clench your jaw for me? | |
I’m just going to touch your eye, this may be unpleasant (sorry!) |
CN 7 | Can you raise your eyebrows to the ceiling? |
Shut your eyes tightly, keep them closed as I try to open them. | |
Puff out your cheeks for me. | |
Show me your teeth. | |
(Alternatively ask the patient to copy you...”Can I get you to copy me please?”) | |
CN 8 | Ask the patient if they can hear you. “Can you hear me?” |
CN 9/10 | Can you cough for me? |
I’m sorry, this might not feel nice. I’m just going to touch the back of your throat… |
CN 11 | Can you turn your head to the left/right? (While assessing strength of the trapezius muscle) |
CN 12 (Assessing for dysarthia) |
Can you repeat after me - “British Constitution”, “Baby Hippopotamus”, “The Leith police” ? |
Can you stick your tongue out for me? |
Waggle it from side to side. |
Physical Examination - Motor/Sensory | |
Notes | Inspect each muscle group
Tone | Just relax while I move your legs/arms. Try not to help me, just go floppy. |
Power | “Can you copy these positions for me?” |
Stop me pushing down. |
Stop me pulling up. |
Straighten/bend your arms for me |
Open/close your fingers. |
Show me your palm. Point your thumb to the roof for me. |
Squeeze my hand. |
Push down with your leg. |
Pull up with your leg for me. |
Sensation | Does this feel the same on both sides? |
Close your eyes for me. Tell me when you feel this touching you. | |
Tell me how this feels.... | |
Co-ordination | Look at my finger... Touch my finger with your finger.... Now touch your nose.... And my finger again. |
Touch your (left) heel to your (right) knee....Run it down your shin for me...Ok, now lift it up and bring it back to your knee. And keep doing that for me.... | |
Reflexes | Just relax while I tap you with this tendon hammer - it shouldn’t hurt. |
Reinforcement | Can you hold your hands together tightly and when I count to 3, pull them apart. (Demonstrate!) |
Proprioception | Demonstrate which way is ‘up’/‘down’ to the patient. Then ask them to “close your eyes”, move their finger/toe and then ask “which way is your (finger/toe) moving – up or down?” |
Romberg’s Test | Can you stand up straight with your feet together for me. (Stand close to the patient and reassure;) Don’t worry, I’ll be here to hold on to if you feel unsteady. Now close your eyes for me.....OK, you can open them again. |
Investigation/Procedure »show table...
Investigations | |
Electro-encephalography (EEG) | |
Nerve Conduction Studies | |
Electromyography | |
Imaging: | |
Blood Tests: | |
Lumbar Puncture | |
Biopsies |
Differential Diagnosis – common clinical conditions »show table...
Differential Diagnosis - Common Clinical Conditions | |
Alzheimer's Disease |
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (see MND) |
Anoxic brain injury |
Bell's palsy |
Benign Intracranial Hypertension |
Brain Abscess |
Brain Injury |
Brain Tumour |
Brown-Séquard Syndrome |
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome |
Cerebral Aneurysm |
Cerebral Atrophy |
Cerebral Palsy |
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease |
Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease |
CMV Infection (Cytomegalovirus) |
Dementia |
Diabetic Neuropathy |
Encephalitis |
Epilepsy |
Essential Tremor |
Febrile Seizures |
Guillain-Barré Syndrome |
Herpes Zoster (HZV) |
Huntington's Disease |
Hydrocephalus |
Intracranial Hypertension |
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis |
Menieres Disease |
Meningitis (Bacterial/Viral) |
Motor Neurone Disease (MND) |
Multi-Infarct Dementia |
Multiple Sclerosis |
Muscular Dystrophy |
Myasthenia Gravis |
Narcolepsy |
Optic Neuritis |
Peripheral Neuropathy |
Pituitary Tumour |
Poliomyelitis |
Post-herpetic Neuralgia |
Rabies |
Shingles |
Spina Bifida |
Stroke |
Subdural Haematoma |
Subarachnoid haemorrhage |
Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) |
Trigeminal Neuralgia |
Wilson's Disease |
Management of diseases »show table...
Cases: Alzheimer's Disease — Parkinson's Disease — Meningitis — Cerebral Tumor
Disease/Drug Class | |
Benzodiazepines |
Antihistamines (for vertigo) |
Anti-epileptics |
Anti-parkinsonism |
Drug/Alcohol dependence |
Alzheimer's |
Analgesics |
Anti-emetics |
Key Points in Anatomy and Physiology »show table...
Bones | |
Head (Cranium) | |
Thorax | |
Arms, wrists and hands | |
Pelvis | |
Legs, ankles and feet | |
Spine | |
Specific Joints | |
Knee | |
Hip | |
Shoulder | |
Elbow | |
Miscellaneous Vocabulary | |
Abduction | |
Adduction | |
Ankylosis | |
Arthrodesis | |
Articular | |
Bursa | |
Dorsiflexion | |
Elevation | |
Epiphysis | |
Eversion | |
Extension | |
Flexion | |
Hyperextension | |
Internal/External Rotation | |
Inversion | |
Joint Capsule | |
Joint Space | |
Kyphosis | |
Osteotomy | |
Plantar Flexion | |
Pronation | |
Scoliosis | |
Spondylolithesis | |
Spondylosis | |
Subluxation | |
Supination | |
Synovium | |
Tendon | |
Tendon Sheath | |
Torticollis | |
Valgus | |
Varus |
Symptoms of Musculoskeletal Pathology and Major Presentation of Disease »show table...
Symptoms of Musculoskeletal Pathology | |
Monoarthritis (inflammation of one joint) | |
Oligoarthritis (inflammation of a few joints) | |
Polyarthritis (inflammation of many joints) | |
Arthralgia (joint pain) | |
(“SOCRATES” system) | |
S - Site - “Where is the pain?” | |
O - Onset - “How did the pain come on? (Gradually? Suddenly?)” | |
C - Character - “Can you describe the pain?” (Dull/Sharp/Burning) | |
R - Radiation - “Does the pain move anywhere?” | |
A - Associated Features - e.g. fever, malaise | |
T - Timing - “How often do you get the pain?” “How long does it last?” | |
E - Exacerbating Features - “What makes the pain worse?” (e.g. movement, weight bearing, exercise) |
S - Severity - “How bad is the pain on a scale of 1-10?” | |
Swelling (oedema) | |
What joints are swollen? | |
When did the swelling start? | |
Has it changed at all? | |
How often do they swell? | |
Erythema | |
Do your joints ever go red? | |
Stiffness | |
Are your joints ever stiff? | |
What joints get stiff? | |
When are they stiff? (e.g. in the morning?/after exercise?) | |
What helps this stiffness? | |
How long does the stiffness last? | |
Locking/Triggering | |
Do you ever feel your joints ‘locking’? | |
Which joints? | |
When does the locking occur? | |
Do you feel your movement is restricted in anyway? | |
Weakness | |
Have you noticed any movements becoming weaker than they were before? | |
Are there any activities that you find more difficult now? (e.g. going up stairs, opening bottles etc) | |
How does your joint problem affect your life? | |
Systemic | |
Ask about | |
Social/Family/Drug/Past Medical History »show table...
Past Medical History (PMH) | |
Have you ever had any joint problems in the past? | |
Any other health problems? | |
- Diabetes | |
- Heart Disease | |
- Stroke | |
- Obesity | |
- Psoriasis | |
Drug History (DHx) | |
Which tablets are you currently taking? | |
Any other medications? – e.g. | |
Family History (FHx) | |
Are there any health problems that run in the family? – e.g. | |
Occupational History | |
What do you/did you work as? | |
How long for? | |
Social History | |
Are you able to manage on your own? | |
Do you have any difficulty with dressing yourself? | |
Is there anyone at home to help? | |
Are there any stairs in the house? | |
How far can you walk? | |
Do you use a walking-aid? | |
Do you smoke? Have you ever? | |
Do you drink alcohol? How much? | |
Have you ever taken any recreational drugs? |
Physical Examination »show table...
Physical Examination | ||
General Examination | Rashes (Face/hands) | |
Nails | Nail Pitting | |
Onycholysis | ||
Hands | Heberden’s Nodes | |
Raynaud’s syndrome | ||
Arms | Rheumatoid Nodules | |
Olecranon Bursitis | ||
Gouty Tophi | ||
Purpura | ||
Axilla | Lymphadenopathy | |
Eyes | Conjunctivitis | |
Scleritis/Episcleritis | ||
Anterior Uveitis | ||
Neck/Mouth | Lymphadenopathy | |
Chest | Crepitations (e.g. pulmonary fibrosis) | |
Abdomen | Organomegaly | |
Urine | Dipstick Urinalysis (blood, protein) | |
Examine all relevant JOINTS for: | Redness (erythema) | |
Swelling | ||
Increased skin temperature | ||
Tenderness | ||
Pain on movement | ||
Limited range of movement | ||
Examples: | ||
Shoulder | Adduction, abduction, flexion, extension, internal and external rotation | |
Hip | Adduction, abduction, flexion, extension, internal and external rotation | |
Trendelenburg Test | ||
Fixed Flexion Deformity | ||
“Can you undress to your underwear so that I may examine you please?” | ||
Are any of your joints painful at the moment? | ||
Gait | Can you walk towards me? | |
And turn around and walk back.... | ||
Can you walk on your tiptoes? | ||
And now on the back of your heels? | ||
Arms | Check for tenderness - “Let me know if this is uncomfortable when I press” | |
Can you put your hands behind your head? | ||
And up your back? | ||
Can you tuck your elbows in and put your palms to the ceiling? And turn them towards the floor? | ||
Put your hands together for me like you are praying? | ||
Can you make the backs of your hands touch? | ||
Clench your fists | ||
Open your hands | ||
Squeeze my fingers (with your left/right hand) | ||
Can you touch each finger with your thumb? | ||
Legs | Can you lie up on the couch please? | |
“Just relax, I’m going to move your legs around... let me know if it feels uncomfortable and I’ll stop” | ||
Hip Flexion/Extension Internal/External Rotation | ||
Spine |
Thoracic and lumbar spine | Can you stand up for me and put your back against the wall? | |
Can you lean back as far as you can for me? I’ll stand behind you so that you don’t fall. | |
Can you try to touch your toes for me? | |
Can you slide your (right/left) hand down your (right/left) thigh? And do the same for the other side? | |
Can you sit on the bed for me? Ok can you turn to the (right/left) as far as you can? | |
Cervical spine |
Can you look up as far as you can? | |
And make your chin touch your chest? | |
Can you bring your ear to your shoulder please | |
Turn your head to the left/right |
Investigation/Procedure »show table...
Investigations | |
Plain X-ray | |
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) | |
CT (Computerised Tomography) | |
DEXA Scan | |
Radioisotope Bone Scan | |
USS (Ultrasound) | |
U+Es (Urea and Electrolytes) | |
FBC (Full Blood Count) | |
Uric Acid | |
ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) | |
Calcium | |
PTH (Parathyroid Hormone) | |
Alk Phos (Alkaline Phosphatase) | |
RF (Rheumatoid Factor) | |
ANF/ANA (Antinuclear Factor/Antibody) | |
Anti- double stranded DNA | |
Joint Aspiration | |
Biopsy | |
Arthroscopy |
Differential Diagnosis – common clinical conditions »show table...
Significant musculoskeletal pathologies | |
Ankylosing Spondylitis | |
Avascular Necrosis – usually of the hip joint | |
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome | |
Cauda Equina Syndrome | |
Cervical Rib | |
Cervical Spondylosis | |
Charcot’s Joints | |
Club Foot (Talipes Equinovarus) | |
Compartment syndrome | |
Disclocation of a joint (e.g. shoulder) | |
Dupuytren’s Contracture | |
Fibromyalgia | |
Fracture | |
Frozen Shoulder | |
Ganglia | |
Giant Cell / Temporal Arteritis | |
Gout | |
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura | |
Kyphosis | |
Mechanical Back Pain | |
Olecranon bursitis | |
Osteoarthritis | |
Osteogenesis Imperfecta | |
Osteomyelitis | |
Osteosarcoma | |
Perthes Disease | |
Pes Planus (“flat feet”) | |
Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) | |
Prolapsed Intervertebral Disc (“slipped disc”) | |
Psoriatic Arthropathy | |
Reiter’s Syndrome (arthritis plus urethritis) | |
Rheumatoid Arthritis | |
Sciatica | |
Scoliosis | |
Septic Arthritis | |
Sjogren’s Syndrome | |
Spinal Cord Compression | |
Spinal Stenosis | |
Spondylolithesis | |
Stress Fracture | |
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) | |
Vasculitis | |
Wegener’s Granulomatosis |
vocabulary in English
Major presentations of disease »show table...
Major presentations of disease | |
Abnormalities of mood - depression, elation, suicidal ideation | |
Anxiety | |
Abnormalities of thinking - stream of thought (eg. pressure of thought, thought blocking) |
Abnormalities of perception – hallucinations, illusions | |
Abnormalities of memory |
History taking »show table...
History of the present illness (HPI) - questions about the complaint(s) | |
Mood | |
Self –harm | |
Anxiety | |
Abnormal beliefs | |
Abnormalities of perception | |
Social/Family/Drug/Past Medical History »show table...
Past Psychiatric History | Ask about: |
Previous psychiatric diagnosis | |
Psychiatric inpatient, day hospital and outpatient care | |
Any illnesses treated by GP | |
Past Medical History (PMH) (including major illnesses, any previous surgery/operations, any current ongoing illness, childhood illnesses). | Ask about : |
Carcinoma, infections, neurological disorder, endocrine disorder (cause depression) | |
Hyperthyroidism, hyperventilation, hypoglycaemia, drug withdrawal (cause anxiety) | |
Anaemia, sleep disorder, chronic infection, hypothyroidism, diabetes, carcinoma, radiotherapy (cause fatigue) | |
Family history – especially conditions relevant to the patient's chief complaint. | Ask about: |
Psychiatric disorders | |
Neurological disorders | |
Personal History | Childhood Education Employment Relationships Forensic |
Social history (medicine) | Ask for living arrangements, occupational history, marital status, number of children, smoking history, alcohol use, drug abuse, foreign travel, exposure to environmental pathogens. |
Drug history - regular and acute medications (including those prescribed by doctors, and others obtained over-the-counter or alternative medicine) | Anti-depressants, anti-psychotics |
Benzodiazepines |
Physical Examination »show table...
Physical Examination | |
Mental State Examination | |
Insight |
Investigation/Procedure »show table...
Investigations | |
Plasma | |
Full Blood Count | |
Urea and electrolytes (U&Es) | |
Liver Function Tests (LFTs) | |
Thyroid Function Tests (TFTs) | |
Glucose | |
When drug/alcohol misuse suspected: MCV, B12/folate and toxicology screening | |
EEG | |
Imaging: CT, MRI MRI (and SPEC or PET) | |
Common assessment instruments | |
General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) | |
Present State Examination (PSE) | |
Schedule for Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (SCAN) | |
Diagnostic Interview Schedule (DIS) | |
Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D) | |
Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) | |
Positive and Negative Symptom Scale (PANSS) | |
Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) | |
Cage Questionnaire |
Differential Diagnosis – common clinical conditions »show table...
Differential Diagnosis – common clinical conditions | |
Dementia (Alzheimer, vascular, many types) | |
Delirium | |
Mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive substance abuse | |
Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders | |
Mood (Affective) Disorders | |
Neurotic, stress-related, and somatoform disorders | |
Eating disorders | |
Personality disorder (many types) | |
Autism | |
Hyperkinetic disorder | |
Conduct disorder | |
Learning disability |
Management of diseases »show table...
Management of Diseases | |
Pharmacological | |
anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, mood stabilizers | |
acetylcholinesterase inhibitors | |
benzodiazepines | |
Psychological | |
psychodynamic psychotherapy | |
cognitive behavioural therapy(CBT) | |
family therapy | |
interpersonal therapy (IPT) | |
dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) | |
Social |
vocabulary in English